Tropical Style in Sacramento

We've got several plants to help you create a tropical oasis in your backyard that actually thrive in Sacramento. We just need to be creative about where to plant them.
The challenge that most tropical plants face in Sacramento is cold winter temperatures. Protect frost-sensitive plants by planting them on your patio or porch, where you can appreciate their beauty in summer and easily provide frost protection through winter.
The outer-reaches of your landscape can be filled with plants that have a beautiful island feel, but hold up well in cold weather. We've got an abundance of tropical-looking plants that thrive in our Mediterranean climate.
The challenge that most tropical plants face in Sacramento is cold winter temperatures. Protect frost-sensitive plants by planting them on your patio or porch, where you can appreciate their beauty in summer and easily provide frost protection through winter.
The outer-reaches of your landscape can be filled with plants that have a beautiful island feel, but hold up well in cold weather. We've got an abundance of tropical-looking plants that thrive in our Mediterranean climate.

- Canna Lily ‘Tropicanna’ series
- Cordyline
- Dinnerplate Hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos)
- Elephant Ear (Calocasia)
- Abyssinian Banana (Ensente ventricosum)
- Angel’s Trumpet (Brugsmansia)*
- Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia)*
- English Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)
- Flowering Maple (Abutilon)
- Gardenia
- Japanese Aralia (Fatsia japonica)
- Japanese Fiber Banana (Musa basjoo)
- Lemon Bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus)
- Leucadendron*
- Mirror Plant (Coprosma)
- Oleander (Nerium oleander)
- Pineapple Guava (Feijoa sellowiana)
- Philodendron
- Princess Flower (Tibouchina urvilleana)*
- Tropical Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)*

Annual & Perennials
- Alstroemeria
- Caladium
- Calla Lily (Zantedeschia)
- Celosia
- Coleus
- Dahlias
- Daylily (Hemerocallis)
- Ferns
- Ginger Lily (Alpinia)
- Gomphrena
- Ice Plant (Delosperma)
- Kangaroo Paws (Anigozanthos)
- Lantana
- Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus)
- Lion’s Tail (Leonotis)
- Portulaca
- Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia)
- Red Yucca ‘Brakelights’ (Hesperaloe)
- Vinca (Catharanthus roseus)
- Zinnias
**Subject to availability. Call one of our five locations for current selection.