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Seed Potato 'Red La Soda'

Solanum tuberosum

Typically available from late winter to early spring. Call store for current availability. 

Round to oblong potatoes have vibrant red skin with waxy white interiors. Popular variety is excellent in cuisine and stores very well. Stop by one of our locations to see our full selection of seasonal bulbs!

Draw pollinators into your garden with pollinator-attracting plants.

Plant with Dill


  • Size: 1'-2' tall, 6"-8" wide
  • Days to Maturity: 85 Days
  • Productivity: 1-2 lb tubers
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun
  • Water Needs: Moderate to High
  • Growth Habit: Upright

Green Thumb Guide

Plant bulbs in well draining soil along with a bulb fertilizer. Protect growing potatoes from greening by 'hilling' or mounding soil to about 4" high around plant during growing season. Harvest after 85 days or when foliage begins to die back in fall. Carefully dig up tubers and store in a cool, dark place.




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