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Create A Barbie-Inspired Garden

Field of Pink Cosmos

10 Plants For A Barbie-Inspired Garden

Attention all pink thumbs, unleash your inner Barbie and spread some pink into your landscape. We curated a list of 10 plants we know Barbie would love to have in her garden. So, gather your gardening gloves, prepare to paint your outdoor canvas in shades of pink radiance, and let's grow a Barbie-inspired garden.
A stunning tropical vine that produces vibrant-colored blooms during warm months.
A showy annual with threadlike leaves and a dreamy daisy-like flower. 
Large, intricate flowers bloom profusely from summer into fall. Available in different hues of pink. 
Crape Myrtle
Crape Myrtle
A summer blooming tree that produces clusters of vibrant flowers. Pretty, two-tone bark. 
Long, arching stems bear many small white and pink flowers spring through fall.
Clusters of tube-shaped flowers hang from vining foliage. Perfect for growing on a trellis.
A warm season annual that produces an abundance of funnel-shaped flowers. Great in hanging baskets.
Pink Muhly Grass
Perennial grass with tall, delicate, purple-pink flower stalks that bloom from summer into fall. 
Large, daisy-like blooms with conical centers flower all summer into fall. Adored by pollinators. 
Oklahoma Redbud
An early spring blooming tree with clusters of pink-purple flowers that emerge from bare branches.

Barbie Pot-Up Recipe

Limited space? No problem! Check out our Barbie-inspired pot-up recipe, designed specifically for your porch or balcony. Simply blend together a mix of vibrant-pink bloomers and add striking neon-green foliage.
Blooming Barbie Pot-Up: Angelonia, Verbena, Annual Vinca, Green Sweet Potato Vine
Barbie Pot-up planting diagram
Previous article Tips For Growing Fall Tomatoes


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