Viburnum ‘Spring Bouquet’

Viburnum ‘Spring Bouquet’
Plant this dense evergreen shrub as a screen, border, or accent. Clusters of pink buds open to white flowers fall through spring, followed by metallic blue berries. Full sun.
$25 |5 gallon (was $32.50)

This popular, warm-season annual bears single or double blooms in shades of yellow, gold, or orange. Plant in containers, borders, or in the veggie garden as a natural pest repellent. Full sun.
starting at $3.25 |4 inch
starting at $5.25 |6-pack

Mushroom Solar Garden Stake
Colorful, glowing solar stakes add a little mushroom magic to your garden. Choose from purple, red, and pink.
$27.50 |31 inch

Wind Spinners
Add rhythm and movement to your garden with a colorful wind spinner. Assorted styles and sizes. Selection varies by store.
$125 |Quilt Spinner
$165 |Pineapple Spinner

Vego Garden Raised Bed
Attractive, durable, and easy to assemble—these 100% recycled metal garden beds feature an open floor to encourage deep root growth.
starting at $130 |42 inch round