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Visit us to shop our large selection of evergreen, deciduous, flowering shrubs and more. Talk with our gurus and learn about what's available for your landscape.
Gardenia 'Veitchii' Closeup

Gardenia 'Veitchii'

Gardenia jasminoides 'Veitchii'
starting at $12.50
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Evergreen shrub with a compact, spreading habit. Glossy, dark green foliage provides contrast to scented, white, double blooms that appear spring t...

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African Iris

Dietes iridioides
starting at $12.50
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Evergreen, grass-like shrub with a vase-shaped growth habit. Waxy, white flowers with pale violet throats and yellow markings bloom amid stiff, str...

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Blueberry 'Jubilee'

Blueberry 'Jubilee'

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Jubilee'
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Semi-evergreen with blue-green foliage that turns bright red-orange in fall. White blooms appear in early spring followed by spicy-sweet blueberrie...

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Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia reginae
starting at $40.00
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Perennial grown for its spectacular flowers, which look like heads of birds. Flowers are orange, blue and white blooming on long, stiff stems.  Pla...

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Bountiful Blue Blueberry Plant

Bountiful Blue® Blueberry | Monrovia

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bountiful Blue'
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Semi-evergreen, compact shrub with bright, blue-green foliage. Pinkish-white blooms appear in early spring followed by Large, super-sweet blueberri...

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Blueberry 'Misty'

Blueberry 'Misty'

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Misty'
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Semi-evergreen shrub with bright, blue-green foliage. Pinkish-white blooms appear in early spring followed by spicy-sweet blueberries from spring t...

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Gardenia 'August Beauty'

Gardenia 'August Beauty'

Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty'
starting at $12.50
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Evergreen shrub with a compact, spreading habit. Glossy, dark green leaves provide contrast to extremely fragrant, double white blooms in summer. P...

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Azalea 'Happy Days'

Azalea 'Happy Days'

Azalea indica 'Happy Days'
starting at $12.50
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub grows with a mounding, rounded habit featuring b...

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Indian Hawthorn 'Pink Dancer'

Indian Hawthorn 'Pink Dancer'

Rhaphiolepis indica 'Pink Dancer'
starting at $12.50
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Evergreen shrub has bronzy new growth and showy, pink flowers in spring. Small, dark berries attract birds to your garden. Used in containers, bord...

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Buxus 'Green Beauty'

Japanese Boxwood 'Green Beauty'

Buxus microphylla japonica 'Green Beauty'
starting at $12.50
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Cold hardy, evergreen shrub with a compact habit. Used as formal hedges, topiary, containers or mass planting. * Monrovia priced higher. Plant with...

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Buxus 'Winter Gem'

Japanese Boxwood 'Winter Gem'

Buxus microphylla japonica 'Winter Gem'
starting at $12.50
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Evergreen shrub with small, glossy, medium green leaves that turn bronze-green in winter. Use as hedge, border, mass planting, topiary and in conta...

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Orchid Rockrose

Cistus x purpureus
starting at
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Huge pink-purple blooms with red dots at the petal base appear spring into early summer. Use as informal hedge, in rock gardens or as a ground cove...

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Blueberry 'Sunshine Blue'

Blueberry 'Sunshine Blue'

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Sunshine Blue'
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Evergreen shrub has a compact growth habit. In spring, petite, white flowers emerge, followed by large, light blue, tangy fruit.  *Monrovia priced ...

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Blueberry 'Spartan'

Blueberry 'Spartan'

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Spartan'
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Deciduous shrub has an upright growth habit. Pinkish-white flowers bloom in spring, followed by an abundance of large, flavorful fruit in late spri...

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Azalea 'Alaska'

Azalea 'Alaska'

Azalea rutherfordiana 'Alaska'
starting at
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub grows in a low, rounded habit with dark green l...

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Yellow Fortnight Lily

Yellow Fortnight Lily

Dietes bicolor (Moraea)
starting at $12.50
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Evergreen, grass-like shrub with a vase-shaped growth habit. Waxy, yellow flowers with dark brown to maroon markings bloom amid stiff, strap-like f...

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Blueberry 'Sharpblue'

Blueberry 'Sharpblue'

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Sharpblue'
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Semi-evergreen shrub with blue-green foliage. Pinkish-white blooms appear in early spring, giving way to sweet-tart blueberries from spring to fall...

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Breath of Heaven

Breath Of Heaven

Coleonema pulchellum
starting at
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Evergreen shrub with a delicate, wispy, upright habit. Tiny, pink flowers adorn narrow, fragrant, heath-like foliage from winter to spring. Use as ...

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Holly Sky Pencil

Holly 'Sky Pencil'

Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil'
starting at $13.50
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Narrow, columnar form is perfect for small spaces, and provides dark, glossy, green foliage year-round.  *Monrovia priced higher. Plant with Fringe...

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Butterfly Bush 'Miss Molly'

Butterfly Bush 'Miss Molly'

Buddleja 'Miss Molly'
starting at $30.00
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Typically available late spring through late fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Adorned with dozens of fragrant, magenta fl...

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Giant Bird of Paradise

Giant Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia nicolai
starting at
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Perennial grown for its spectacular flowers, which resemble the famous birds. Flowers are white with a dark blue "tongue". Grown mainly for its dra...

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Azalea 'Ward's Ruby'

Azalea 'Ward's Ruby'

Azalea kurume 'Ward's Ruby'
starting at
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub, with glossy green leaves, grows in a upright, ...

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Azalea 'Phoenicia/Formosa'

Azalea 'Phoenicia/Formosa'

Azalea s.i. 'Phoenicia', 'Formosa'
starting at $12.50
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Spring brings dark-centered, lavender-pink flowers to this everg...

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Heavenly Bamboo 'Gulf Stream'

Heavenly Bamboo 'Gulf Stream'

Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream'
starting at $12.50
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Compact, evergreen shrub with a mounding habit. Foliage emerges red and turns red and purple in fall. Small white flowers in spring or summer, foll...

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Black Stem Pittosporum 'Golf Ball'

Black Stem Pittosporum 'Golf Ball' | Monrovia

Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball'
starting at
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Evergreen shrub has shiny, petite, light green foliage that contrasts nicely with wiry, black stems. Requires very little pruning.  Plant with Heav...

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Azalea 'Pink Lace'

Azalea 'Pink Lace'

Azalea s.i. 'White Lace'
starting at $12.50
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub with slender, green leaves. Decorated with small...

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Agapanthus 'Stormcloud'

Lily of the Nile 'Storm Cloud'

Agapanthus x 'Stormcloud'
starting at $13.50
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Typically available spring through summer. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Clumping, evergreen perennial displays green, fount...

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Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet'

Viburnum 'Spring Bouquet'

Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet'
starting at $12.50
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Dense form and deep green leaves makes this a great screen, border or accent. Clustered of pink buds open to white flowers fall through spring, fol...

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Azalea 'Orange Delight'

Azalea 'Orange Delight'

Azalea 'Orange Delight'
starting at
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub with dark green foliage grows in a rounded habi...

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Azalea 'Red Bird'

Azalea 'Red Bird'

Azalea b.i. 'Red Bird'
starting at
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub grows in a mounding habit. Red, ruffled flowers...

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Dwarf Olive

Dwarf Bush Olive

Olea europaea Dwarf
starting at $22.50
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Evergreen, shrub variety of olive grows with a dense habit and quaint appearance. Dark, gray-green foliage provides year-round interest. Ornamental...

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Azalea Bloom-A-Thon Lavender

Bloom-A-Thon® Lavender Azalea

Azalea 'Bloom-A-Thon Lavender'
starting at $20.00
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Typically available spring through late fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub produces large, pinkish-lavender...

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Tropicanna Canna

Canna 'Orange Stripe'

Canna indica 'Orange Stripe'
starting at $37.50
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial from rhizome with an upright habit. Lance-sh...

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Azalea 'White Lace'

Azalea 'White Lace'

Azalea s.i. 'White Lace'
starting at $12.50
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub with slender, green leaves. Decorated with large...

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Horsetail Reed

Horsetail Reed

Equisetum hyemale
starting at
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Typically available from early spring to mid fall. Check with your local store for current availability.   Evergreen perennial with a dense clumpin...

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HibisKiss 'Spin the Bottle'

HibisKISS™ Spin the Bottle

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis HibisKISS™ Spin the Bottle
starting at
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Typically available from early spring through summer. Check with your local store for current availability.  Extra-large, vivid flowers are deep re...

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Hibiscus 'Summerific Cranberry Crush'

Summerific® Hibiscus

Rose Mallow Hibiscus hybrid
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Typically available early summer through fall. Check with your local store for current availability.  Deciduous perennial produces enormous, round...

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4 Colors available
Azalea 'Sherwood Pink'

Azalea 'Sherwood Pink'

Azalea kurume 'Sherwood Pink'
starting at
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub with a compact,  rounded habit. Spring brings a...

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Monrovia 'Baby Cakes' Blackberry Plant

Baby Cakes® Blackberry | Monrovia

Rubus x 'Baby Cakes'
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Dwarf, thornless blackberry grown in Monrovia's customized soil mix for healthy roots. Pink flowers fade to white, followed by red berries that tur...

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Azalea 'Sherwood Orchid'

Azalea 'Sherwood Orchid'

Azalea kurume 'Sherwood Orchid'
starting at
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub with a compact, rounded habit. Spring brings viv...

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Azalea Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink

Bloom-A-Thon® Hot Pink Azalea

Azalea 'Bloom-A-Thon Hot Pink
starting at $20.00
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Typically available spring through late fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub produces large, hot pink flowers...

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Giant Chain Fern

Giant Chain Fern

Woodwardia fimbriata
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Semievergreen fern with a bold texture. Thick, leather-like, medium green fronds grow in an upright arching habit. Used as a focal point or as a s...

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Escallonia 'Fradesii'

Escallonia 'Fradesii'

Escallonia 'Fradesii'
starting at
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Evergreen shrub grows in a low, mounding habit. Abundant clusters of small, pink, tubular flowers bloom late spring through summer. Use for an espa...

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Heavenly Bamboo Lemon Lime Sunset

Heavenly Bamboo 'Lemon Lime' | Sunset

Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime'
starting at $18.50
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Evergreen shrub with an open, airy habit. New growth emerges lime green, aging to dark green. Perfect as a semi-opaque screen or hedge.  Plant with...

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Azalea Bloom-A-Thon Pink Double

Bloom-A-Thon® Pink Double Azalea

Azalea 'Bloom-A-Thon Pink Double'
starting at
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Typically available spring through late fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub with a rounded, mounding habit. ...

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New Zealand Flax 'Mat's Merlot' Matsuda's

New Zealand Flax 'Mat's Merlot' | Matsuda's

Phormium 'Mat's Merlot'
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Evergreen perennial with long, wide, strap-like, dark burgundy leaves that resemble giant blades of grass. Use as a thriller in a container.  Plant...

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Tropicanna Gold Canna

Canna 'Gold Stripe'

Canna indica 'Gold Stripe'
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial from rhizome with an upright habit. Lance-sh...

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'Rose Glow' Barberry

Barberry 'Rose Glow'

Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow'
starting at
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Deciduous shrub is adorned with small, bronzy-red foliage that matures to pinkish white. Small, yellow flowers in spring give way to red berries in...

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