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Carl Pool African Violet Food

Vital Earth®
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Specially formulated liquid plant food for African violets and other blooming plants. Combines six important micro-nutrients for healthy, colorful African violets. Great for other flowering plants including Kalanchoes, Cyclamen, Easter Lilies, Poinsettias, Orchids, and Christmas Cactus.

Label(Opens in a new window)


  • Please read & follow label instructions
  • 11-40-20
  • Concentrated formula
  • Contains 11% Nitrogen, 40% Available Phosphate, 20% Soluble Potash, 0.1% Iron, 0.05% Copper, 0.05% Manganese, 0.05% zinc, 0.05% Boron, and 0.0009% Molybdenum
  • Mix one tablespoon of concentrate with one gallon of water


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