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Wisteria 'Cooke's Purple' Staked

Wisteria sinensis 'Cooke's Purple'
0 Reviews
Currently not available in your area, please check back.

Deciduous vine with an impressive show of large, fragrant, purple blossoms early spring through summer. Grows in a twining, woody habit. Provide a strong structure or trellis to climb on. 

Plant with Daylily 'Stella De Oro'


  • Landscape Size: 20'-30' tall, width varies
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • USDA Zone: 5a
  • Growth Habit: Trailing
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Attributes: Deciduous, Fragrant, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Flowers for Cutting

See Green Thumb Guide below for region specific information.


Green Thumb Guide

Grows well in a variety of enriched soils, with good drainage. Provide strong structure such as a trellis for support. Prune annually to maintain desired size.

These characteristics apply to the greater Sacramento area and nearby regions.

Live outside of our area? Please check with your local cooperative extension for the best growing practices in your neck of the woods

Visit: UC Cooperative Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)
Visit: National County Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)

Green Thumb Guide

Grows well in a variety of enriched soils, with good drainage. Provide strong structure such as a trellis for support. Prune annually to maintain desired size.

These characteristics apply to the North Texas area and nearby regions.

Live outside of our area? Please check with your local cooperative extension for the best growing practices in your neck of the woods

Visit: Texas A&M Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)
Visit: National County Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)



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