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Pumpkin 'Jack-O-Lantern'

Cucurbita pepo

Typically available from early spring through mid-summer. Check with your local store for current availability.

Medium to large, bright orange pumpkin has a ribbed, smooth exterior. Good carving, displaying, cooking or baking pumpkin. 

Draw pollinators into your garden with pollinator-attracting plants.

* Check Stores for current availability, or stop in to see the full selection.

Plant with Pole Beans


  • Size: 18"-24" tall, 6' wide
  • Days to Maturity: 100-110 Days
  • Productivity: 8-15 lb Pumpkins
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Growth Habit: Trailing

Green Thumb Guide

Plant in enriched, garden soil early spring. Handle fragile vines with care so as to not damage them. Harvest pumpkins when they turn a rich orange or when a light frost kills the vine. Use shears to cut fruit from vine, leaving 2"-3" of stem. To harden skin, allow pumpkin to cure in the sun for a week, then store in a cool, dry place. 



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