Typically available from early spring through mid-summer. Check with your local store for current availability.
Easy-to-grow, heavy producing tomato has dark red skin and a flavorful interior. All-American Selections winner is an excellent, all-purpose tomato for cooking, canning or fresh use.
Draw pollinators into your garden with pollinator-attracting plants.
* Check Stores for current availability, or stop in to see the full selection.
Planted with Sage.
Green Thumb Guide
Plant in enriched garden soil 1-2 weeks after last frost. Leave 1'-2' of space between each plant. Fertilize when transplanting and when flowers are about to bloom. Supplement soil with plenty of calcium to prevent bud rot. Water early morning or late evening. Harvest tomatoes as they ripen to bright red and soften slightly. Support growing plants with tomato cages.
These characteristics apply to the greater Sacramento area and nearby regions.
Live outside of our area? Please check with your local cooperative extension for the best growing practices in your neck of the woods
Visit: UC Cooperative Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)
Visit: National County Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)
Green Thumb Guide
Plant in enriched garden soil 1-2 weeks after last frost. Leave 1'-2' of space between each plant. Fertilize when transplanting and when flowers are about to bloom. Supplement soil with plenty of calcium to prevent bud rot. Water early morning or late evening. Harvest tomatoes as they ripen to bright red and soften slightly. Support growing plants with tomato cages.
These characteristics apply to the North Texas area and nearby regions.
Live outside of our area? Please check with your local cooperative extension for the best growing practices in your neck of the woods
Visit: Texas A&M Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)
Visit: National County Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)