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Coronavirus Communication

At Green Acres Nursery & Supply we would like you to know what you can expect when shopping at our stores as it relates to the latest in COVID-19 protocols.

We are open regular seasonal hours.
Monday-Saturday: 7am-7pm
Sunday: 8am-7pm
  • We are following state and local guidelines and protocols to manage operations under COVID-19.
  • We are following the Sacramento County Order of the Health Officer(Opens in a new window) for the use of face coverings at our Sacramento County locations.
  • We are following the Guidance for Individuals from the California Department of Public Health(Opens in a new window) for the use of face coverings, where masks are required for unvaccinated individuals, unless exempt.
  • We have instructed our employees to stay home if they are not well, and are proactively supporting the decisions of our employees who are in high-risk groups as well as those who need to care for their children or other family members.
  • We are encouraging a six-foot or greater social distance and ask that you do so as well.
  • We communicate the latest news from local news and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to our employees as it becomes available.
  • We continue to pay close attention to the facts as they unfold, and we are poised to be flexible so we can provide you with the best service possible.


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