Stop in to our nursery and get the citrus tree your garden is waiting for. We have a healthy selection for every landscape. Plus, tips on how to produce tasty fruit. Ask us about the best variety for your zone.
MORE INFORoseville, CA
Shop our healthy selection of citrus trees at your local Green Acres Nursery & Supply – Auburn, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Folsom, Rocklin, Roseville and Sacramento.
What size, shape, color or mood are you
looking for in a plant? We have a great selection.

Keep your garden humming along.
Plant perennials that attract
pollinators throughout the year.
We’re getting two
green thumbs up!
"In love with my Meyer lemon tree! Time for lemonade!"
Sophie"I love seeing my kids picking oranges!"
Juan"Great selection – hard to choose."