Narrow, green leaves have yellow edges and tips that turn reddish-pink in cooler months. Clusters of yellow and lime flowers, accented with red bloom winter through spring. Include one of our favorite evergreen perennials as an accent plant in beds or as a container 'thriller'.
Plant with Vinca 'Bowle's Mauve'
Green Thumb Guide
Green Thumb Guide
Thrives in enriched soil with good drainage. Mid season, pinch back to promote dense habit. Plant sap is a skin irritant. Feed in spring with a general fertilizer.
These characteristics apply to the North Texas area and nearby regions.
Live outside of our area? Please check with your local cooperative extension for the best growing practices in your neck of the woods
Visit: Texas A&M Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)
Visit: National County Extension Offices(Opens in a new window) (Opens in new window)