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Pumpkin 'Big Max'

Cucurbita pepo
Currently not available in your area, please check back.

Typically available from early spring through mid-summer. Check with your local store for current availability.

Bright orange, smooth pumpkin can reach up to 100 pounds. Strong pumpkin flavor is excellent for baking or canning. Great for decoration.

Draw pollinators into your garden with pollinator-attracting plants.

* Check Stores for current availability, or stop in to see the full selection.

Plant with Pole Beans


  • Size: 12"-18" tall, 6' wide
  • Days to Maturity: 110 Days
  • Productivity: 50-70 lb Pumpkins
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Growth Habit: Trailing

Green Thumb Guide

Plant in enriched, garden soil early spring. Handle fragile vines with care so as to not damage them. Harvest pumpkins when they turn a rich orange or when a light frost kills the vine. Use shears to cut fruit from vine, leaving 2"-3" of stem. To harden skin, allow pumpkin to cure in the sun for a week, then store in a cool, dry place. 

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