Cool-Season Annuals

Chill Out With Winter Annuals
Winter annuals offer a ray of sunshine on cold, dreary days. Add some color to your winter beds, borders and containers with our cool-season collection that will bloom into spring: pansy, Iceland poppy, primrose, snapdragon, and more. Read on to discover fun facts and care tips for our cool selections.
Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus)
- Tall flower stalks add height, texture and vibrant color to flower beds
- Bright flowers bloom late spring into summer and once again in fall
- Full sun to part shade, moderate water and well-drained soil
- Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
Did you know? These plants are named for the shape of their flowers, which resemble a dragon’s head with an open mouth.
Primrose (Primula)
- Prolific blooms in a wide range of colors that work great in groupings or as edging along beds
- Blooms late winter into spring
- Full to part sun, regular watering
Growing Tip: Provide shade during hot summer months.
- Erect and bushy growth habit with abundant, cheerful flowers in a wide array of colors
- Blooms fall through spring
- Full sun, regular water
Growing Tip: Fertilize regularly for best performance.
Iceland Poppy (Papaver nudicaule)
- Large colorful flowers with rumpled petals nod gracefully atop tall stems. Stands out in mixed borders!
- Blooms fall through spring
- Full sun, moderate water
- Deer resistant; attracts butterflies
Growing Tip: Deadhead to encourage more blooms.
Stock (Matthiola incana)
- Fragrant spikes of flowers in shades of white, pink, and purple with silvery or deep green foliage
- Great for seasonal color in containers and mixed beds
- Blooms fall through spring
- Part sun, regular water
Did you know? Stock makes an excellent cut flower.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
- Bright yellow, gold or orange flowers that typically have a spicy aroma
- Easy to grow and very versatile in the garden because they tolerate most soils
- Full sun with rich, well-drained soil
Did you know? The florets are edible—add color to salads or as a garnish in place of saffron.
- Heart-shaped leaves with flowers in shades of white, pink, purple and red
- Very versatile—in pots, rock gardens, under shade plants
- Blooms early fall through late spring
- Partial sun to full shade, moderate water with good drainage
Growing Tip: Prettier blooms when sheltered from the rain.
Ornamental Cabbage/Kale (Brassica oleracea)
- Forms a large head of ornamental leaves
- Textured and brightly colored foliage in white, pinks, and purples
- Full sun to part shade, regular water
Did you know? Ornamental cabbage is edible, but it’s not nearly as tasty as its cousin, because it’s been bred for looks, not flavor.
- Small white, pink, or red flowers carried in graceful, branching, feathery plumes on wiry stems
- Finely divided, very dark green foliage
- Blooms late winter to early spring
- Partial shade in hot climates, provide moist, rich soil with ample humus
- Deer resistant; attracts butterflies
Growing Tip: Gather flowers in the morning when the dew is still on them… this is when their scent is the sweetest.