Dormant Spray Guide
Dormant Spray Guide
When trees and shrubs lose their leaves in winter, it provides a
significant head start in the battle against insects and disease that appear
during the growing season. Without the cover of leaves, pests including mites, aphids, insect eggs and scale are exposed and easy to destroy.
Potential diseases are reduced or prevented by spraying in winter, including fire blight, shot hole, peach leaf curl and powdery mildew. Properly timed dormant spraying will prevent and kill more insects and diseases than most other sprays during the year.
significant head start in the battle against insects and disease that appear
during the growing season. Without the cover of leaves, pests including mites, aphids, insect eggs and scale are exposed and easy to destroy.
Potential diseases are reduced or prevented by spraying in winter, including fire blight, shot hole, peach leaf curl and powdery mildew. Properly timed dormant spraying will prevent and kill more insects and diseases than most other sprays during the year.

For Best Control, Follow Our Schedule:
Fruit and Nut Trees
- Late Autumn (Thanksgiving)
- Mid-Winter (New Year's Day)
- Early Spring (Valentine's Day)
- Mid-Winter (after pruning and clean up)
- Early Spring (just before new leaves break)

Monterey Liqui-Cop®
Used for:
- Controlling & prevention of diseases attacking citrus, fruit, nuts, vegetables, roses & other ornamentals
- Controls peach leaf curl, fire blight, shot hole & others
- Shake well before use
- Mix approximately 3-4 tsp. per gallon of water*
- All plant surfaces must be covered thoroughly (trunk to twig)
- May be mixed with Monterey Horticultural Oil
*The concentration ratio varies between plants, diseases and timing. Read and follow instructions to achieve the best control and avoid damage.

Monterey Horticultural Oil
Used for:
- Controlling scale insects, mealybugs, apple aphids, red spider mites, leaf miners & other insects
- Use on citrus, fruit, nuts, vegetables, roses & other ornamentals
- Combine 2.5-5 Tbsp. per gallon of water*
- All plant surfaces must be covered thoroughly (trunk to twig)
- Must be above 40°F when spraying outdoors
- Do not apply if tree has been sprayed with a sulfur material in the past 30 days
- May be mixed with Monterey Liqui-Cop®
*The concentration ratio varies between plants, insects, diseases and timing. Read and follow instructions to achieve the best control and avoid damage.