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E.B. Stone™ Organics Tomato & Vegetable Food

June Garden Tasks 2024

Ripe Better Boy tomato on vine

June Garden Tasks

For the month of June, we're checking in on the edible garden, sharing tips to keep the blooms coming during the heat of summer, and offering advice to maintain a lush, green lawn.

The Edible Garden

  • The summer heat has arrived. Be sure to adjust your irrigation system times to run longer, as needed.
  • Eat your veggies, please! You can direct sow these vegetables from seed this month: Snap Beans, Corn, Cucumber, Melon, Okra, and Squash.
  • If you planted your tomatoes four to eight weeks ago, you should be seeing quite a bit of growth, so make sure your plants are properly staked or caged.
  • Allow tomato plants to dry out moderately between waterings for better yield.
  • Check both your vegetable and flower gardens for snails and slugs. Treat as needed with Monterey® Sluggo.
  • Inspect your citrus and fruit trees, checking for any suckers and remove them. If the fruit is looking heavy and bending branches, thin fruit to at least 4” apart to produce bigger and tastier fruit.
E.B. Stone™ Organics Tomato & Vegetable Food
Natural, organic fertilizer formulated for use in the vegetable garden and with soft fruits like strawberries.
Browse: E.B. Stone™ Organics Collection

Make Room For More Blooms

  • Plant a variety of flowers which bloom throughout the year to attract pollinators. Need planting suggestions? Read: Plant For Pollinators.
  • Making room for more blooms? Now’s the time to direct sow these flowers from seed: Alyssum, Celosia, Cosmos, Four O’ Clock, Marigold, Sunflower, and Zinnia.
  • Are your roses needing a little TLC? Deadhead, mulch, and fertilize your roses with an organic-based rose and flower food to produce more blooms, such as E.B. Stone™ Organics Rose & Flower Food.
  • Fertilize summer-blooming plants with an organic slow-release fertilizer.
  • Remove spent flowers on perennials such as Lavender, Coneflower, and Coreopsis.

Lush, Green Lawn

  • Set lawn mower blades higher to help conserve moisture and prevent turf stress from higher temperatures. The higher you mow, the less weeds you will have as well.
  • Do you know if you are watering your lawn correctly? Watering too much or too little can lead to disease and insect problems. Our irrigation gurus are on-hand to answer your questions and guide you to the solution that is right for your situation.
Learn how to mow and water your lawn this summer to keep it lush and green.
Read: Summer Lawn Care

A Recap of June Garden Tasks

  • Adjust irrigation systems to water as needed.
  • Place pot feet or saucers under pots to protect them from radiant heat.
  • Allow tomato plants to dry out moderately between waterings for better yield.
  • Maintain a healthy harvest by thinning out fruit on fruit trees by at least 4" apart.
  • Use beneficial insects such as nematodes, lacewings, ladybugs and praying mantids to control pests.
  • Lightly trim back blooming shrubs like azaleas and rhododendrons once they finish flowering.
  • Consider switching your sprinkler system to drip irrigation for targeted watering in your landscape.
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