Deer-Resistant Plants
Plant For Deer Resistance
While deer-proof plants do not exist, there are a number of options that deer typically turn away from. Improve your odds by planting from our list.
- Abelia x grandiflora - Glossy Abelia
- Alyogyne huegelii - Blue Hibiscus
- Arctostaphylos - Manzanita
- Bamboo
- Berberis - Barberry
- Buddleja - Butterfly Bush
- Buxus - Boxwood
- Callistemon - Bottlebrush
- Calluna vulgaris - Scotch Heather
- Ceanothus - Wild Lilac
- Cistus (most) - Rockrose
- Coleonema - Breath Of Heaven
- Coprosma - Mirror Plant
- Correa - Australian Fushia
- Cotoneaster
- Daphne
- Dodonaea viscosa - “Hopseed” Bush
- Erica - Heath
- Escallonia
- Feijoa - Pineapple Guava
- Grevillia
- Hypericum - St. Johnswort
- Ilex - Holly
- Juniperus - Juniper
- Lantana
- Lavandula - Lavender
- Lavatera - Tree Mallow
- Leonotis - Lion’s Tail
- Leptospermum - Tea Tree
- Mahonia
- Myoporum
- Nandina domestica - Heavenly Bamboo
- Nerium oleander - Oleander
- Plumbago auriculata - Cape Plumbago
- Pyracantha - Firethorn
- Rhododendron - (Not Azaleas)
- Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary
- Salvia - Sage
- Sarcococca - Sweet Box
- Spiraea
- Syringa - Lilac
- Teucrium - Germander
- Tibouchina urvilleana- Princess Flower
- Viburnum
- Westringia fruitcosa - Coast Rosemary
and Perennials
and Perennials
- Achillea - Yarrow
- Agapanthus - Lily Of The Nile
- Agave
- Armeria - Thrift, Sea Pink
- Artemisia
- Begonia, Tuberous
- Brachyscome - Swan River Daisy
- Carex - Sedge
- Cerastium tomentosum - Snow-In-Summer
- Coreopsis
- Dahlia
- Dietes - Fortnight Lily
- Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower
- Erigeron - Fleabane
- Erodium reichardii - Cranesbill
- Erysimum - Wallflower
- Eschscholzia californica - California Poppy
- Euphorbia
- Euryops
- Festuca glauca - Common Blue Fescue
- Gaillardia x grandiflora - Blanket Flower
- Geranium - Cranesbill
- Helichrysum
- Helleborus - Hellebore
- Kniphofia - Red-Hot Poker
- Lamium - Dead Nettle
- Limonium - Statice, Sea Lavender
- Liriope - Lily Turf
- Mimulus - Monkey Flower
- Miscanthus - Eulalia
- Nepeta - Catmint
- Origanum - Oregano, Marjoram
- Pennisetum - Fountain Grass
- Penstemon - Beard Tongue
- Phlomis
- Phlox subulata - Moss Pink
- Rudbeckia hirta - Gloriosa Daisy
- Santolina
- Sisyrinchium
- Stachys byzantina - Lamb’s Ears
- Stipa - Feather Grass
- Tagetes lemmonii -Copper Canyon Daisy
- Thymus - Thyme
- Tulbaghia violacea - Society Garlic
- Verbena
- Viola odorata - Sweet Violet
- Zantedeschia - Calla
- Zauschneria - California Fucshia