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Invite some of nature’s best gardeners over. You’ll keep your yard blooming with color and humming with life.

Osteospermum 'Voltage White'

African Daisy

Osteospermum fruticosum
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Tender perennial grown as an annual in colder climates with dozens of daises that bloom in spring, summer and fall. Choose from pink, yellow, purpl...

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5 Colors available
Ajuga 'Bronze'

Ajuga 'Bronze'

Ajuga reptans 'Bronze'
starting at $9.75
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Rosettes of glossy, green-bronze leaves contrast beautifully with bright blue flower spikes. Blooms from spring to early summer. Bugleweed can be u...

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Annual Dianthus

Dianthus Assorted
starting at $1.75
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Typically available from winter to summer. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Compact perennial has frilly, fragrant flowers that ...

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15 Colors available


Aster Assorted
starting at $4.95
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Typically available from fall to early spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Upright deciduous perennial with showy fall colo...

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Astilbe japonica
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Typically available spring through fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial with mounding, open habit with finely divide...

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3 Colors available
Autumn Sage 'Heatwave Blaze'

Autumn Sage

Salvia greggii
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from spring to late fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Flowers on short spikes in shades of pink, white ...

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Bee Balm

Bee Balm

Monarda didyma
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Typically available late spring through fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial with an upright, clumping habit produce...

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Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower

Gaillardia Assorted
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call store for current availability.  Vibrant yellow, orange or red-burgundy flowers are held just above r...

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6 Colors available
Lantana Bloomify Rose

Bloomify™ Lantana

Lantana 'Bloomify'
starting at $8.75
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Typically available spring through fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  First sterile lantana needs no deadheading to continuo...

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8 Colors available
Lupine in Purple


Lupine Assorted
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  The state flower of Texas, and for good reason! Stunning spikes ...

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Bush Strawflower

Bush Strawflower

Bracteantha bracteata
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from winter to spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial with a low, mounding growth habit produces...

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Catmint Walker's Low

Catmint 'Walker's Low'

Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low'
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from spring to late fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial grows with a mounding, spreading habit....

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Coneflower 'Cheyenne Spirit'

Cheyenne Spirit Coneflower

Echinacea hybrida 'Cheyenne Spirit'
starting at $9.75
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Typically available summer through fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Plant a patch of this hardy full-sun perennial to invi...

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2 Colors available


Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum
starting at $3.95
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Typically available in fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Prominent flower stalks bear numerous daisy-like flowers in a vari...

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2022 Mums in Cache Pot

Chrysanthemum 10" Cache

Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum
starting at $17.50
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Blend mums into your pumpkin displays for a punch of color. Dozens of densely-petaled flowers in shades of red, yellow, orange, pink or white bloom...

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Cigar Plant

Cigar Plant

Cuphea ignea
starting at $8.75
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Typically available from late winter to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen perennial with thin, tubular flowers th...

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Echinacea purpurea
starting at $9.75
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Typically available summer through fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Upright perennial has large, daisy-like blooms with co...

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10 Colors available
Heuchera with Purple, Orange, and Green Foliage

Coral Bells

starting at $12.50
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This evergreen perennial with ruffled leaves is available in an assortment of colors. Tall stems bearing small, bell-shaped flowers bloom in spring...

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10 Colors available
Coreopsis 'Lil Bang Daybreak'


Coreopsis Assorted
starting at $9.75
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Typically available winter to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  True green foliage is topped with tall stalks of pink, yell...

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Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise'

Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise'

Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise'
starting at $9.75
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Typically available spring to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  True green foliage is topped with tall stalks of yellow, do...

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Coreopsis 'Moonbeam'

Coreopsis 'Moonbeam'

Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'
starting at $9.75
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Typically available winter to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  True green foliage is topped with tall stalks yellow flower...

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Coreopsis 'Nana'

Coreopsis 'Nana'

Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana'
starting at $9.75
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Typically available fall to early spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  True green foliage is topped with tall stalks of yel...

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Delphinium Assorted
starting at $9.75
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Typically available in spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Spires of vibrant indigo, violet or white flowers bloom spring t...

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Dianthus 'Jolt Red White'


Dianthus Assorted
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from winter to summer. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Compact perennial has frilly, fragrant flowers that ...

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8 Colors available
Echeveria 'Elegans'

Echeveria 'Elegans'

Echeveria 'Elegans'
starting at $6.75
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Also known as 'Mexican Snowball', this succulent is prized for its clumping growth habit and stunning tight rosettes. Stalks of pink flowers tipped...

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Echeveria 'Parva'

Echeveria 'Parva'

Echeveria 'Parva'
starting at $6.75
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This tough yet attractive succulent displays dense, icy-blue rosettes tipped blush pink. Yellow summer blooms flushed with orange, will bring all t...

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Echeveria 'Pelusida'

Echeveria 'Pelusida'

Echeveria 'Pelusida'
starting at $6.75
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A small, yet sweet variety with blue green rosettes tipped burgundy. Bright yellow flowers emerge in spring, attracting pollinators well into fall....

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Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg'

Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg'

Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg'
starting at $4.50
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A pink-purple rosette forming succulent bears coral flowers sure to attract hummingbirds summer through fall. Maintain its distinct color by keepin...

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Echeveria agavoides 'Red Tip'

Echeveria 'Red Tip'

Echeveria agavoides 'Red Tip'
starting at $6.75
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Displaying deep red rosettes, this succulent will begin to emerge red with yellow tipped blooms starting springtime, continuing into early summer. ...

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Echibeckia™ Summerina®

Echibeckia 'Summerina'
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Typically available late spring through fall. Check with your local store for current availability.   Cross between Echinacea and Rudbeckia grows ...

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Verbena 'Enduro' Red

Enduro™ Verbena

Enduro™ Verbena Series
starting at $8.75
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial with a dense, mounding habit. Round, broad c...

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10 Colors available
Euryops Yellow Flower

Euryops Daisy

Euryops pectinatus
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from fall to spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen shrub with cheerful yellow flowers in spring...

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Evolvulus 'Beach Bum Blue'

Evolvulus 'Beach Bum Blue'

Evolvulus 'Beach Bum Blue'
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call store for current availability.  Small, cup-shaped, true blue flowers bloom in an abundance all summe...

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Field of Cuphea

False Heather

Cuphea hyssopifolia
starting at $1.75
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Typically available from late winter to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Evergreen perennial with dozens of tiny purple or...

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5 Colors available
Firehouse Verbena Pink

Firehouse™ Verbena

Firehouse™ Verbena Series
starting at $8.75
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial has round, broad clusters of flowers that bl...

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8 Colors available
Flowering Kalanchoe

Flowering Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
starting at $6.75
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Typically available winter through spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Paddle-leafed succulent puts on a colorful show of l...

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Digitalis purpurea
starting at $9.75
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Typically available in spring. Call store for current availability. Perennial has tall spikes bearing rows of tubular flowers with speckled throats...

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4 Colors available
Gaura 'Rosy Jane'


Gaura lindheimeri
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from spring to winter. Call your favorite store for current availability.   Long, arching stems bear many small white or pink f...

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3 Colors available
Closeup of Gaura 'Belleza', Pink

Gaura 'Belleza'

Gaura lindheimeri 'Belleza'
starting at $9.75
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.   A dwarf variety of an easy breezy favorite, ‘Belleza’...

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3 Colors available
Closeup of Gazania


starting at $5.95
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Typically available fall to early spring. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Large, daisy-like flowers bloom spring through summer...

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12 Colors available
Assorted Gerber Daisies

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera jamesonii
starting at $7.50
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Typically available from late winter to late fall. Call store for current availability.  Large, daisy-like flowers come in an assortment of colors....

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8 Colors available
Gloriosa Daisy

Gloriosa Daisy

starting at $9.75
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Typically available late spring through fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Perennial with a dense, mounding habit produces c...

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Haworthia 'Limifolia'

Haworthia 'Limifolia'

Haworthia 'Limifolia'
starting at $6.75
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This bulletproof succulent also known as a 'fairy washboard' displays bold, dark green, triangular leaves. White, dainty blooms will sporadically e...

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Heliotrope 'Scentropia Dark Blue'


starting at $7.50
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Typically available from winter to summer. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Tender perennial produces large clusters of tiny, pu...

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Yellow Kangaroo Paw

Kangaroo Paw

Anigozanthos Assorted
starting at $9.75
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Typically available spring through late fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Spikes of unusual, fuzzy flowers, flared at the e...

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7 Colors available
Lantana 'Landmark Blaze'

Landmark™ Lantana

starting at $8.75
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Typically available spring through fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Medium sized variety of Lantana ideal for landscape ac...

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5 Colors available
Lantana 'Purple Trailing' Purple

Lantana 'Trailing Purple'

Lantana montevidensis 'Trailing Purple'
starting at $8.75
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Trailing perennial with an abundance of pincushion-lik...

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Lantana Trailing White

Lantana 'Trailing White'

Lantana montevidensis 'Trailing White'
starting at $8.75
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Typically available from spring to fall. Call your favorite store for current availability.  Trailing perennial with an abundance of pincushion-lik...

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