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Dogwood blooms

April Garden Tasks

Dogwood flowers

April Garden Tasks

Spring is in full swing and the weather is warming up. Browse our checklist for April garden care tips: guard against pests, feed lawns, and get those veggies in the ground now for a bumper crop this summer!
Earwig on plant
Guard Against Pests
This time of year, watch for snails, slugs, and earwigs—and then set bait and traps, as needed. We recommend Monterey Sluggo® Plus to take care of earwigs, cutworms, sowbugs, pillbugs, crickets, slugs, and snails. Easy-to-use pellets will protect your home and garden.
Monterey Sluggo® Plus
Sprinkler on lush, green lawn
Dethatch and Feed Lawns
Now's the time to give your lawn some TLC so that you'll have lush, green lawn throughout the summer season. Dethatch, mulch, and lightly feed your lawns. Try Bolero® Lawn Food 25-3-6, a quality lawn fertilizer containing micro nutrients, humic acid and four forms of nitrogen for extended greening.
Bolero® Lawn Food 25-3-6
Meyer Lemon Tree
Citrus Care
Feed your citrus as blooms come on to help set fruit. Feed young citrus trees monthly through June with a balanced organic fertilizer for citrus and fruit trees. If you plan to prune your citrus, do so after the risk of frost has passed, but before summer heat.
E.B. Stone™ Organics Citrus & Fruit Tree Food
Spanish Lavender
Attract Beneficial Insects
Interplant your vegetable garden with flowers to attract pollinators and beneficial insects. When planning your garden, plant for successive blooming so there is a constant supply of flowering plants from spring through fall. Petunias, marigolds, and lavender will naturally deter unwanted visitors from your garden.
Lavender Collection

Other Tasks For April

  • Last chance to plant summer bulbs!
  • Check your irrigation system and adjust as the weather warms. Consider upgrading your traditional sprinkler heads to Hunter® MP Rotator nozzles for a water savings of up to 30%.
  • Feed your shrubs and trees during the spring with a slow-release fertilizer.
  • Thin apples, apricots, peaches, and pears to 6" apart.
  • Trim the spent blooms from your spring bulbs, but let the leaves remain. Fertilize after bloom.
  • Add a layer of mulch to retain moisture and inhibit weeds in planting beds.
Previous article Seeds To Start In August


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