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Green Acres Garden Blog

Raised Vegetable Bed

August Garden Solutions

For August, our experts are getting questions about insect pests and about browning leaves. Read on for some good tips and advice about ants, beetles and watering in low-water environments.
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July Garden Solutions

With the hotter July temperatures, there may be some unwelcome visitors in your garden and yard. Our experts have been getting questions this month about ants, leaffooted bugs and spider mites. We have advice on how to control them if they get out of hand. 
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Whiteflies on green foliage

May Garden Solutions

As summer arrives with warmer temperatures, our garden gurus are answering questions about how to care for plants during this transition. For the month of May, we're providing advice about watering, tree trunk care, and pests.

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Mosquito on leaf with water droplets

April Garden Solutions

April brings higher temperatures with just the right amount of humidity, and earwigs, mosquitoes and aphids start showing up in the garden. Our garden gurus have been getting a lot of questions about these pesky visitors, and we have answers about the best way to take care of them. 
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March Garden Solutions

Our garden gurus have been getting questions about insect pests this month, 
and we’d like to share with you the best practices for taking care of some
unwanted visitors. Snails and slugs, aphids, mosquitoes, spittlebugs and more, 
top the "to-do" list this month.
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Display of colorful fall shrubs

September Garden Tasks

September gives us the gift of lowered temperatures to reward us for having gotten through August in one piece! In September, there are some really enjoyable garden tasks that are quick to do and make for healthy fall gardens. We’ll talk ants, lawn, and fall planting preparation.



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Garden with raised beds

June Garden Tasks

June is when summer comes to stay and everything is growing! Our June Garden Tasks keep your yard and garden humming along beautifully with pointers on fertilizing, weed control, and managing insects and disease.

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Praying mantis on squash plant

Beneficial Insects, Part II

In this second part of our series on beneficial insects, we're focused on the superhero beneficial insects to take care of those larger garden pests. 

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Ladybug on a leaf

Beneficial Insects, Part I

Did you know that 98% of all known insects are considered good bugs? If your plant is suffering due to a bad bug, there are beneficial insects out there hungry to get at that bad bug. Let's look at a few....

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