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Green Acres Garden Blog

Persimmon Tree

Fall In Love With Persimmons

Persimmons are a delightful and underrated fruit, offering sweetness with each bite. Originally from East Asia, they are gaining popularity worldwide, especially the Fuyu and Hachiya varieties. In this guide, we will cover everything from growing tips to the nutritional benefits of this versatile fruit.
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Apricot 'Brittany Gold'

Bareroot Fruit Tree Varieties 2025

Start your own backyard orchard this season. Our nurseries have over 60 varieties of bareroot fruit trees this season. The trees are potted in easy-to-plant fiber (pulp) containers that help protect new roots so they don't break or dry out.
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Purple coneflower with bee

August Garden Tasks

We're inching towards the fall season, even though the temperature gauge indicates otherwise. August is a busy time in the garden and we have tips about fruit tree care, supporting wildlife, starting winter veggies, and more.
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Plums on a tree

How To Choose Your Fruit Tree

Learn how you can enjoy the benefits of planting a tree and nurturing it to produce delicious, fresh fruit. The real magic comes during harvest when the trees are filled with fruit to share with family, friends, and neighbors. 
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White Peach 'Babcock'

Summer Series II, Healthy Harvest

You’ve put in the work, now it’s time to reap the rewards of a job well done. If your fruit trees and veggie garden are thriving and putting out good produce—you’ve definitely done something right this season. Let’s keep the bounty coming with some tried-and-true tips from our garden gurus. 
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Ripe apricots on tree

Success with Fruit Trees

There is something very satisfying about planting a tree and nurturing it to produce delicious, fresh fruit. We all want fruit trees that thrive and provide enough fruit to share with family, friends, and the entire neighborhood—and the way in which we water, fertilize, prune, and thin will influence how much the tree produces each year. Read on for tips.
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Dave Wilson Nursery Plum 'Beauty'

Bareroot Fruit Trees

January is a great time to buy a fruit tree! It's bareroot season, which means we have the largest selection available, at the most economical pricing of the year. While fruit trees are in winter dormancy, they are also easy to care for, easy to plant, and ready to provide tasty rewards in the seasons ahead. 

As you choose the fruit tree varieties you would like to add to your garden, consider our tips for selecting success. 
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Chinese Pistache Tree in Fall Color

November Garden Tasks

November gives us a comforting, quiet change in our gardens and yards. To keep everything in good health, there are a few tasks we can do in November with irrigation, dormant care to control disease and pests, and planning for all the brand new bareroot fruit trees and roses we get to bring home in winter.

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Gloves, trowel, and plant starts

August Garden Tasks

The veggie garden is exploding, the grapes are starting to color up, and, thankfully, weed and insect pests are slowing down. For August, we have some advice for you on odd looking leaves, fruit tree care, and getting busy on cool-season vegetables.



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