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Chinese Pistache Tree in Fall Color

November Garden Tasks

Colorful fall foliage and blue sky

The Comforting, Quiet Change of Fall

November gives us a comforting, quiet change in our gardens and yards. All the fast-paced action of summer is over, our new major landscape trees and shrubs are safely tucked in for months of awesome growth, and we are enjoying our cool-season veggies. To keep everything in good health, we can do a few tasks in November with irrigation, dormant care to control disease and pests, and planning for all the brand new bareroot fruit trees and roses we get to bring home in winter.
As it gets cooler, we will start to water less often. However, if it doesn’t rain for a week, check the soil moisture to see if you need to irrigate. For those of us who planted new landscape trees and shrubs, this is especially important for younger, smaller root zones to grow and thrive.
Preventing Pests & Disease
November is the beginning of dormant care spraying to prevent diseases that occur during the growing year. Sprays are recommended three times during the dormant season. Our Dormant Spray Guide and our gurus are here to help you every step of the way to get the right spray, sprayer, and advice. When the disease prevention is coupled with horticultural oil, we control overwintering insect pests at the same time. An ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure!
Bareroot Season
Now is a great time to start planning for your new Bareroot Fruit Trees and Bareroot Roses that will be arriving in December and January. Use our website as a resource to browse, dream over, and preorder plants you would like to have. Our gurus have all the advice you need to get started with plant choice, soils, and fertilizers, and we can’t wait to share the excitement of bareroot season with you.

Remember when we could only have one fruit tree in the yard, because the tree was just so large? Thanks to incredible advances in pruning, you can now have up to four fruit trees in the same area that previously only had one tree, which equals more fruit with a longer harvest time.

Other Tasks For November

Previous article Sowing Wildflower Seeds In Fall


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