Green Acres Garden Blog
Veggie Garden: Troubleshooting
You’ve worked hard to get your veggie plants in the ground and now you’re looking forward to the taste of your first ripe tomato. Let’s make sure your plants stay happy and healthy throughout the entire growing season. We’ve listed seven common veggie garden problems along with solutions to fix them.
Ready. Set. Grow!
An Ounce of Prevention
Spring is here, the weather is warming up in the garden, and that means we’re seeing a lot more activity among our plants—both good and not so good. Many of you have contacted us with questions about what’s going on in your garden, so we’ve pulled together answers to some common questions about pest and disease problems, along with recommended treatments.
April Garden Tasks
Fall Gardening
Fall is an ideal time to grow vegetables; the soil is warm and the air begins to cool off in the evenings, making ideal growing conditions We have tips to prepare your garden for cool-season veggies to grow through winter.
Recipes for Summer
Espalier 101
Espalier is a French word meaning trellis. In the garden, espalier is a method used to train a tree or shrub so trunks and branches grow on one plane.
Read on for tips to grow your own espalier fruit tree or shrub.About Lavender: Pruning and Culinary Tips
Lavender is an evergreen perennial that is perfect for the Mediterranean climate here in the Sacramento area. It is drought tolerant and thrives in the heat, requiring full sun for 6-8 hours per day. Learn how to prune and care for lavender to keep it blooming.
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