Winter Color

Punctuate With Winter Color
Colorful landscapes are not just for spring and summer. Our garden gurus suggest some easy-care, reliable options for winter color—from flowering annuals and perennials to contrasting shades of color and texture with trees, shrubs, and grasses. With these colorful winter plants, your yard will be as vibrant and welcoming now, as it is in spring.
Annuals & Perennials
Primroses, violas and pansies are versatile annuals that offer a wide color palette and can easily be added to containers and flower beds. Cyclamen also have several colors to choose from, and their bulbs might naturalize and become perennials where you live. Calendula has lovely yellow with orange highlights that make for a welcoming sight when the weather is cool. Mix and match to include your favorite colors and complement your outdoor surroundings.
Did You Know? Adding winter flowers will welcome pollinators and make your flowering spring plants and cool-season veggies more productive.
Did You Know? Adding winter flowers will welcome pollinators and make your flowering spring plants and cool-season veggies more productive.
Trees & Shrubs
When planning your landscape, include a variety of trees and shrubs that provide winter flowers. Arbutus, the Strawberry Tree, has lovely dark green leaves and a profusion of delicate red berries that really spark. Carolina Jessamine is an evergreen vine adorned with fragrant, bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers from winter into spring. Both are available now and will provide years and years of beautiful winter color. Take a look at our Winter Color Collection to see other options for the season.
Ornamental Grasses
Winter color is not always about flowers—consider ornamental grasses that will add grace and delicate color to your yard all year long. Paired with spots of color from our annual flower selection, grasses can be an outstanding look in your flower beds or pots. One of our favorites is Fescue ‘Elijah Blue’. Consider our Black Mondo Grass paired with bright Cyclamen for a real eye-catching combination.